Saturday, July 26, 2008

More Loganisms

Hopefully no one is too terribly offended. This was a quote from big brother Logan. Ashlynn has been sick the past couple of days and Logan approached me last night to let me know that "Ashlynn's got a beaver." I laughed hysterically and then explained that she has a F-E-V-E-R. Logan went to Grandma's house today so that Ashlynn could get some rest. Grandma called me and told me that Logan was on his way home. Apparently, Logan was playing with Uncle Tommy's guitar and Uncle Tommy told him not to touch it. Grandma said that Tommy wasn't mean about it or anything but Logan took off out the door huffing and puffing and went to the gate, turned around to get Sammie (our dog) and went back through the gate, across the pasture, back home. When I opened the door his little face was scrunched up and he said, "Uncle Tommy is being mean!" I had to laugh at all of the drama. This past Sunday I received a call from one of the little girl's moms in Logan's primary class. She wanted to know if the primary teacher had talked to me after church. I told her she had not. She told me that Logan had taken a pair of scissors to her daughter's dress in class and cut through 2 layers. Of course I was not happy. Logan has had VERY little experience with scissors and the little experience he has had has been helping mama cut something and putting the scissors down. So, I had to have a little talk with Logan about the proper way to use scissors and the proper way to treat girls. Logan called up the little girl and apologized to her. I am going to have to talk to the teacher and let her know that Logan needs very close supervision if she is going to give scissors to him during class. Fun times. Logan keeps us on our toes, that's for sure. He is soo excited about his swing set. It is not quite completed but is looking like a swing set now. If I am out there working he wants to be at my side "helping", the only help that he is doing is helping me to the mental hospital! It is fun to see his enthusiasm. When Grandma was about to leave our house today Logan told her she can't leave yet because she hasn't worked on the swing set yet. Whenever Papa comes over for any reason, Logan gets soo excited and asks "Papa, are you going to work on my swing set?" He's a crack up!


Unknown said...

Wow! love the Loganisms! He needs to have his own book, because I think he is way cool. Plus, the dress probably looked better cut up a little. And I hope Ashlynn got rid of her Beaver!

Kristina said...

This posting was so funny I read it to everyone else in the room with me (Ryan and Chadd)! We all laughed really hard. You're hilarious.