Friday, August 29, 2008

Potty Party!

Both Logan and Ashlynn have had there potty parties. In order to receive their party the kids had to fill there potty charts with stickers. They would receive one sticker for a pee pee and two for a poo poo. Their party included cake and a special balloon and a toy that they picked out months before and had sitting on top of the fridge for motivation. Since receiving his toy Logan has lost interest and now is back to wearing diapers and loving wallowing in his nastiness. Ashlynn took a lot longer to fill her chart but since she decided to she has done great. She has had on average 1 accident a day if even and is doing pretty well staying dry at night. I'm hoping this will motivate big brother to get with the program. Fun times!

Welcome to the family!

We have a new addition to our family. Diego the kitten. We went to the animal shelter and let the kids pick out which cat they wanted and they picked Diego, the cat and the name. He is 8 weeks old. The plan is to have him be an outside cat. He gets along well with our dog Sammie. We have him set up on the back patio in a box for now. He is using his litter box and loves his friend the Teddy Bear. Ashlynn is completly delighted to have Diego and is very gentle with him. Logan has found a new playmate to torment.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


The four of us went to the Pacific NW for a week for Amy's wedding and to visit family. We had a lot of fun and so enjoyed the sights and weather. Amy's wedding took place in Portland, OR. We enjoyed the beautiful drive from Seattle to Portland and back. It is amazing to see some of God's amazing creations. That whole area is like eye candy, I could not get enough. It was bitter-sweet, I loved what I was seeing and the weather was AMAZING, but I got a little depressed thinking that there are actually such places out there and other people actually get to live there and enjoy and I get to return to the depths of Hell, aka TEXAS. Texas is not all bad but scenery like that is nonexistent in TX. The weather was a breath of fresh air and so needed after suffering 107 degree temps in TX the week of our departure. Our family had a blast in downtown Seattle, such a fun place. We also enjoyed a couple days in Vancouver, BC at Stanley Park. We had so much fun visiting with Dustin's family. Both of my kids enjoyed being with their cousin's. My kids talked about their cousin's for several days after our return. We really had a great time and I am totally keeping my eyes open for an opportunity to move to the Pacific NW.