Friday, August 29, 2008

Potty Party!

Both Logan and Ashlynn have had there potty parties. In order to receive their party the kids had to fill there potty charts with stickers. They would receive one sticker for a pee pee and two for a poo poo. Their party included cake and a special balloon and a toy that they picked out months before and had sitting on top of the fridge for motivation. Since receiving his toy Logan has lost interest and now is back to wearing diapers and loving wallowing in his nastiness. Ashlynn took a lot longer to fill her chart but since she decided to she has done great. She has had on average 1 accident a day if even and is doing pretty well staying dry at night. I'm hoping this will motivate big brother to get with the program. Fun times!


Garth and Loretta said...

Nice job for the kids. Nice kitty. Keep up the good work on the blog and the kids. Dad.

Unknown said...

That is a great idea! Logan is such a stinker (literally) :) I like the name Diego for the kitty.

Anonymous said...

what an awesome way to encourage them to go to the bathroom! I'll try to do something like that with Carlee. But for now, I'm just counting down the days until Carlee goes to Nursery! :)