Friday, February 15, 2008

Beautiful Ocean, here we come!

So Dustin and I finally found out were his company is sending us for being in the top two in Dustin's office. We are going to Cancun, Mexico. I'm excited. The last time we went to Cancun, I got food poisoning something awful, and stayed in the room for 3 days. The time I'd spent outside of the room, I was super impressed. Cancun is a more Americanized city, which I like, it gives me a false sense of security. It also has these amazing ruins. Dustin and I only went to one the last time we were there and it was way cool. There were these HUGE Komodo Dragons all over, 100's of them. I kept watching my back because I felt like they might make a tasty treat of Dustin and I. It was really creeping me out, but cool at the same time. So, I am excited about returning, just need to get my food and drink straight, know what is off limits to the American pansies! We leave on April 17th and return the 21st.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is exciting! Kinda cool that you were there once before... you're on your way to becoming Cancun locals! That is going to be such a nice break for you both.