Friday, February 8, 2008

Let's Potty!

I am going to try my hand at the whole blogging bit. So be patient, and if you get bored that's OK. So I am super excited that my children are finally taking a remote interest in the toilet for something other then wasting water. Logan has gone wee-wee in the toilet twice in the last 2 days and Ashlynn has taken me on several trips to the toilet so she can sit there and poot. So yesterday she came and got me and I stripped her down to nothing and sat her on the toilet. We sat there for a while but nothing happened, I got bored. So I told her it's time to get up. She didn't want to so I left her sitting on her throne for a good 5 min. When I came to check on her I smelt something rather offensive and got all excited. She was so proud of herself and of the brown floaties in the toilet. Sorry, I probablly offend some of you, but, it was a very exciting moment and I like to paint very vivid pictures! So it looks like we are finally on the way to being diaper free, finally!


Kristina said...

Your blog looks great. Congrats on the potty training thing and good luck

sis' said...

Yeah for potty training! I get excited too when I make a poo poo in the potty! : ) it's funny because it's true!

Melanie said...

What a joke! My kiddoes were just pretending they are interested, don't seem to want to take it too seriously. We are on our way though.

Unknown said...

That is exciting that they are showing interest at the same time... What a funny pair o' parkers...