Thursday, December 11, 2008


My children and I have been doing a lot of Christmas shopping together. I thought I was safe shopping with them, of course they would never tell Daddy what I got for him, so I thought! A couple days after we had gotten Dustin a certain gift, Logan saw a sign advertising the particular item and said,"Hey Dad, that's what Mom got you for Christmas!" I tried to play it cool but think there will be no surprise there for Dustin on Christmas morning! Thanks to Mr. Mouth!


Allison said...

You thought you were safe with Logan?? The 4 year old that talks in complete sentences better than I do??? Come on, hahah! I think it's hilarious, but I'm sorry for Dustin. However, if he's the kind of Leo that I was as a kid, he snuck a peek anyway...LOL!

Melanie said...

Very true on all accounts!

Kristina said...

Your kids are so cute and funny. That Logan is a handful. He cracks me up!