Friday, April 18, 2008

A Sad Night in Hail!

We had quite the storm come through last night. We got hit hard with Hail. It was pelting our house like crazy. It was so loud we had to shout to one another to communicate. I closed all the blinds and curtains just in case our windows shattered, none did, surprising enough. I had put the children to bed about 45 minutes before the storm hit and went to check on them. Logan's room was filled with the sounds of hail ricocheting off the windows. I looked on his bed, in his closet for him, and finally found him huddled up in his tent with all his pillows surrounding him, he was holding his ears with both hands. Poor little guy. As soon as he was with mom and dad it went from scary to exciting. He was so excited to see all the "snow". Ashlynn was sleeping soundly when I looked in at her. Her window is facing the right direction and was shielded from all the raucous. We let her sleep as she was not in any danger of flying glass. In the pictures, notice the beautiful Amaryllis flowers in the bottom left corner. They are now gone, along with every other plant/bush/tree on our property. Not really gone, but pulverized. It looks like we are in the middle of winter, everything is stripped bare. My yard was looking so nice and filled with the beauty of spring, now it is a vast sea of fallen leaves and flowers. All my solar path lights are busted up, we had 16 on the hill that twinkled like stars, says my neighbor. Oh well, we are OK, our house is all in one piece, my car seems to be OK (we may need to replace the windshield because the seal was pulverized.) Truly we came out pretty well for what we went through. I am just heartbroken by all the damage to my yard as we've devoted so much time and effort into making it beautiful. I know I sound like a baby, but I am heartsick about my poor plants and some of the wildlife we've grown attached to. Between mine and my mom's house there was a mama bird who made her nest on the ground. Her babies just hatched yesterday, just in time for the storm. Hopefully she got them under cover.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! how incredible (in not a good way) but those were the biggest hail I have ever seen! I am glad that you are all safe, but can still feel the pain of all of your hard work in your yard, ruined. Sometimes mother nature doesn't seem very considerate.