Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Fragility of Life

Today I received some very upsetting news about someone very close to my family. I will withhold names for the time being for this families privacy. Last night, my friend was bathing her daughter who very recently turned six years old. She found a lump on her daughter's belly and took her to the ER. After being there throughout the night, this family found out that there six year old daughter has cancer. The very good sized lump in the child's abdomen was not the starting point of the cancer but the cancer had originated in the child's pelvis. So, tomorrow, this little girl is going to have surgery to remove the tumor and to see what all has been affected and if the cancer has spread to the bone marrow. How devastating this is! Within a 36hour period this family went from business as usual to having there daughter in an operating room to remove a tumor from her body. This is such a sad reminder that life is so precious and that we should not take for granted any healthy moment with our families. Please include "E" and her family in your prayers.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

i'm so sad to hear this and it breaks my heart. life is so precious. we will keep this little girl and family in our prayers.